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Looking at States’ Managed Care Programs: Kansas and Texas

Break Through Value Based Payments Looking at States’ Managed Care Programs: Kansas and Texas The VBP Blog Happy New Year! Let’s start 2020 where we left off in our last blog. We will review two of the ten states that currently are supporting the I/DD population with managed care programs. Using the Ancor 2018 White Paper, combined with our own research, we opted to break down Texas and Kansas. Both contract with Multi-state… Read More »Looking at States’ Managed Care Programs: Kansas and Texas

Looking at States Managed Care Programs: Iowa and Tennessee

Break Through Value Based Payments Looking at States’ Managed Care Programs: Iowa and Tennessee The VBP Blog Managed care has been a slow mover for the I/DD population in multiple states. As of 2019, there are 229,817 Medicaid consumers with an intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) enrolled in Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs.[1] In fact, only ten states have adopted a policy for populations with special needs at all.… Read More »Looking at States Managed Care Programs: Iowa and Tennessee

Quality in I/DD and MLTSS – Part 2

Break Through Value Based Payments Quality Measures for the I/DD and MLTSS Communities – Part 2 The VBP Blog While there are many interesting developments in the MLTSS and Behavioral Health arenas, we wanted to continue the conversation about the measures used in the evaluation of I/DD Services in a managed care environment. In this blog we will share the indicators brought forth by The Council on Quality and Control’s… Read More »Quality in I/DD and MLTSS – Part 2

PA DHS Receives $20 Million in Federal Funding to Continue MFP Program

PA DHS Receives $20 Million in Federal Funding to Continue MFP Program The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded Pennsylvania $20 million in federal funding to allow the Money Follows the Person (MFP) grant program to continue. Governor Tom Wolf expressed the importance of the funding, stating that “The Money Follows the Person grant allows Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services to help thousands of Pennsylvanians live fulfilling, everyday lives… Read More »PA DHS Receives $20 Million in Federal Funding to Continue MFP Program

“Money Follows the Person” Programs Increase Transition Rates into Community While Reducing Overall System Spending

“Money Follows the Person” Programs Increase Transition Rates into Community While Reducing Overall System Spending “Money Follows the Person” programs (MFP) are becoming increasingly popular across the country, and for good reason. A recent study by H. Stephen Kaye, Ph.D. of the University of California at San Francisco’s Community Living Policy Center, shows that states with strong MFP programs are able to transition patients receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS)… Read More »“Money Follows the Person” Programs Increase Transition Rates into Community While Reducing Overall System Spending

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation Offers New 6th Edition of its Comprehensive Financial Education Book

The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation’s 6th edition of its comprehensive financial education book, Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management, will be available at its conference on financial empowerment for people with disabilities on October 3, 2019 in Harrisburg. Topics covered include: Money mapping (budgeting) An overview of where to keep your money How to save safely, including information about PA ABLE and a comparison with Special Needs Trusts Borrowing… Read More »Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation Offers New 6th Edition of its Comprehensive Financial Education Book

Onward Towards Value Based Payments in Human Services

Fady Sahhar of XtraGlobex to Speak on Multiple Panels at the 2019 RCPA Conference FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Philadelphia, PA, September 21, 2019) XtraGlobex, Inc. President and Founder Fady Sahhar will share insights about the challenges and rewards of Value-Based Payments in the delivery of Managed Long Term Services and Supports in two informational sessions and a panel discussion at the 2019 Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association Conference, “IMPACT,” September 24-27,… Read More »Onward Towards Value Based Payments in Human Services

Laying the Ground Work for I/DD and VBP

Laying the Ground Work for I/DD and VBP There are an estimated 7.3 million people in the United States with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD). As we look toward the future of taking care of this large population, states will have to transition from purely Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) to value based care options. Currently states are moving at a slow pace adopting the value-based options for this population. Actually… Read More »Laying the Ground Work for I/DD and VBP