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XtraGlobex Launches, A Value Based Payment Resource Site

XtraGlobex Launches A Value Based Payment Resource Site (Philadelphia, PA, July 25, 2019)  The XtraGlobex team announces the launch of, a new resource for health and human service organizations preparing for and contracting in value-based reimbursement models. In addition to The VBP Blog Series, the site will address MLTSS for Aging, Physical Disabilities, and I/DD, Behavioral Health, and Integration with Physical Health models. “We built this with user… Read More »XtraGlobex Launches, A Value Based Payment Resource Site

VBP Risk Capitation Pros and Cons

Break Through Value Based Payments Part 10: Risk Capitation Pros and Cons THE VBP BLOG Welcome back to THE VBP Blog Series. Continuing our drill-down into risk-sharing in Value Based Payments, in today’s blog we look at the capitation model. As the ever-challenging task of lowering healthcare costs continues to come to the forefront, organizations may look to capitation, which requires that providers take on the full financial risk for the care of their… Read More »VBP Risk Capitation Pros and Cons

VBP Risk Sharing

Part 9: Risk Sharing The VBP Blog Welcome back to THE VBP Blog Series. As many of you have asked for continuing the global view of Value Based Payments, in today’s blog we look at how contracting entities take part in risk-sharing arrangements. This is usually an option for mature VBP organizations, with proven stable data tracks and clear quality controlled processes. Risk sharing involves actually foregoing revenues if goals are not… Read More »VBP Risk Sharing

XtraGlobex’s Fady Sahhar Opens Diversity Celebration

XtraGlobex’s Fady Sahhar Opens Diversity Celebration Hundreds Gather for an Inspiring and Uplifting Event XtraGlobex President Fady Sahhar was the Keynote Speaker for York, PA’s 13th Annual Diversity Celebration at Central York High School April 11, 2019. “I’m humbled and honored to share my insights with these wonderful students and their educators, families and friends,” Dr. Sahhar said. “Respecting and appreciating our differences is the foundation of a society that… Read More »XtraGlobex’s Fady Sahhar Opens Diversity Celebration

Value Based Purchasing: Fady Sahhar and Richard Edley Present at PAPRS Conference

Value Based Purchasing: Fady Sahhar and Richard Edley Present at PAPRS Conference FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Philadelphia, PA, April 19, 2019)  XtraGlobex, Inc. President and Founder Fady Sahhar, PhD, and Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association President and CEO Richard S. Edley, PhD presented an informational workshop on “Value Based Purchasing: Principles, Successes, and Landmines” at the Pennsylvania Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services conference, Opening the Door to Wellness: Inclusive Practices in… Read More »Value Based Purchasing: Fady Sahhar and Richard Edley Present at PAPRS Conference

RCPSO Announces Innovative Employment First Initiative with PA Health and Wellness

RCPSO Announces Innovative Employment First Initiative with PA Health and Wellness A major initiative to support disabled individuals in their pursuit of meaningful community employment HARRISBURG (November 16, 2018) — The Rehabilitation and Community Providers Services Organization (RCPSO) today announced a major initiative to support disabled individuals in their pursuit of meaningful community employment.   RCPSO is partnering with PA Heath & Wellness (PHW) to offer employment services throughout the… Read More »RCPSO Announces Innovative Employment First Initiative with PA Health and Wellness

XtraGlobex Welcomes Amy Snider

XtraGlobex Welcomes Amy Snider Firm Expands Into Pittsburgh to Meet Growing Demand For Housing Solutions Expertise FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Philadelphia, PA, March 29, 2019) XtraGlobex, Inc. today announced the appointment of Amy Snider as Senior Consultant for Strategy and Housing, focusing on accessible and affordable housing, new housing and group homes. Based in Pittsburgh, she also will lead new business development in Western Pennsylvania.  “Safe, affordable housing is a critical… Read More »XtraGlobex Welcomes Amy Snider

XtraGlobex Welcomes Brooke Clippinger

XtraGlobex Welcomes Brooke Clippinger Philadelphia Firm Expands to Meet Demand Across Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, January 22, 2019: XtraGlobex, Inc. today announced the appointment of Brooke Clippinger as Senior Consultant, to continue to build internal capacity and to respond to the growth in Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS), Managed Care Readiness in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and Behavioral Health market needs. She will be based in the… Read More »XtraGlobex Welcomes Brooke Clippinger

VBP Succeeding with Payment for Outcomes

Breaking Through Value Based Payments Part 7: Succeeding with Payment for Outcomes Value Based Payments are leading us to focus on the outcomes we can deliver and to have providers share in the savings.  However, the real success of payment for outcomes is in better health outcomes, longer periods without a need for higher-level care, and better quality of life for consumers.  The Advocate’s Perspective in this blog focuses on… Read More »VBP Succeeding with Payment for Outcomes

VBP Bundled Payments

Break Through Value Based Payments Part 6: Bundled Payments As we move Onward! Along the continuum of Value Based Payments, we examine Bundled Payments in this installment of our series. We have noted that some of these topics require more depth, so you may see our series expand to 12 or more…. This gives us the opportunity to share and advocate even more. Look for our Advocate Perspective below! Bundled… Read More »VBP Bundled Payments